Head: BNB Undertaker (modified-hair trimmed, beard and sunglasses added)
Torso and Arms: 25th Gung Ho
Legs: 25th Dreadnok Ripper
Vest: 25th Gung Ho
Chain: 25th Dreadnok Torch
Satchel bag: 25th Snake-eyes
Grenade belt: unknown
Two extra grenades: Big Ben
Grenade launcher ammo: 25th Gung Ho
grenade launcher: 25th Gun ho
I made Monkeywrench to be part of my own custom Dreadnok 5 pack. I had Zartan, Buzzer, Ripper, and Torch already but needed a fifth Dreadnok. I had already made custom 25th Anniversary versions of Zarana and Zandar, so I needed another Dreadnok. I decided on the fourth Dreadnok to join the team (via the cartoon), Monkeywrench. I (as do many) feel that Monkeywrench is the true fourth Dreadnok.
I never liked the weird harpoon gun that the original came with. Since Monkeywrench is a demolition expert, I felt he should be using a grenade launcher. Instead of carrying five of the same greandes, Monkeywrench now has two anti-personal grenades, two anti-tank grenade (those are the larger ones), several rounds for the grenade launcher, and a satchel explosive. His side arm is a colt .45 magnum automatic pistol.