-Rolling Thunder
-Mobile Command Center
-Misc parts from other vehicles
-Dollar store dart gun
-Krylon Camo paint

About 4 years ago I came up with this idea of combining a RT and MCC. I did the intial cutting and then the project went into storage. After getting my studio set up this past summer I finally completed the construction of the Cobra MOTH.

Now a short bio.

The Cobra M.O.T.H. is a prototype vehicle used to support long-term campaigns. Its primary function is as a tactical HQ; with use of the ACID (Advanced Combat Intelligence Data base) a new super computer that can calculate all combat variables and deliver on the fly combat strategies directly to the soliders on the ground. Also equipped with the prototype AR.C. (Advanced Rail Cannon) which can fire live projectiles with explosive payloads at super sonic speeds from a great distance. The MOTH is a extreme threat to world stability and must be destroyed at all cost.

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