Head: Grunt
Torso: Tunnel Rat
Arms: Tunnel Rat
Legs/ crotch: Taurus
Gun: Redstar
satchel bag: corps
Cigar: epoxy
Burn was once a viper in the Cobra Army. He found them to be to civilized and proper. He decided to quit and went looking for more danger and a way of life where he could shoot at anything he wanted. The opportunity was given to him, and who else but the Dreadnoks. He got the name burn for a story he once told the gang. He claimed long ago when he was in high school some fellow bullys tried to pick a fight with him. Upon starting this fight little did they know that Burn had a mean side to him. He said that he held one of the bullys to the ground and took his own cigarette and burned one of his eyes out. Pretty tough guy if you ask the fellow noks.