Head: Duke V6
Chest: Crankcase V1
Arms: Dialtone V1
Middle Piece: Taurus V1
Upper Legs: Tuarus V1
Lower Legs: Taurus V1
Accessories: Red Star V2 PPSH-4 and PPSH-41 ammo pouch, BBi radio, unknown knife handle and pistol handle.
This custom of Stormavik was originally made in December of 2004 to replace the original one that I made in September of 2002. Recently I added the Red Star V2 PPSH-41 that I always wanted for him as well as the PPSH-41 ammo pouch. Stormavik was based on how he looked when he appeared in the Marvel comic series. I have always been very happy with how my original version of Stormavik turned out and he looks more like Stormavik as he appeared in the Marvel series of comics than most other custom versions of him that I have seen. I now find myself wanting a more modern look for him, but one that still definitely has the look and feel of the original Stormavik. I think that he will get a serious overall with new accessories, probably a new uniform and updated weapons.