Head: Custom cast
Chest: Big Ben
Arms: '86 Hawk?
Waist: Shockwave?
Legs: Zandar
I remembered Marvel #1 featuring a Cobra soldier in one panel wearing ammo draped across his chest. As it turned out, I misremembered. The panel actually featured a Cobra officer wearing a uniform almost identical to Cobra Commander's.
At any rate, I set out to make a simple machine gunner to throw in with other Cobra soldiers.
The head is made from a custom cast of an Undertow head wearing a NS helmet (Overkill's, if I remember correctly).
Sometimes ideas are better than the execution. The legs are too large compared to the upper body. The head doesn't really work too well.
Nothing special here- a dark blue uniform with brown webgear and boots, more in keeping with the early Marvel appearances of Cobra character than the blue/black color set used on the figures.
This figure required no sculpting or modifying.
Thanks for looking.