Head: Airborne v2
Arms: Backblast
Torso: Backblast
Lower Half: ?
Helmet: Footloose
Gun: BBI
Backpack: Recondo
Filename: Rock, Frank
Primary: Infantry
Secondary: Hand to Hand
Birthplace: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Rock's dad, John Rock, fought and died in combat, his step dad, John Anderson died in a steel mill accident, his brother, Adam Rock is a soldier as well.
He is a crackshot, can throw a grenade a country mile and has superhuman endurance despite smoking like a chimney.
Dogtag #: 409966
I was way into Sgt. Rock before Joe came out, and I wanted to include him in my Joe universe, I have several other Sgt. Rock's coming up, where I will be including his patented Thompson.