Helmet/Hoses: 25th Para-Viper
Head: Storm Shadow
Torso/Arms: Iron Grenadier (CP)
Legs: Barbecue
Backpack/Life Support System: CP Pilot Destro pack with hoses made from Para-Viper pack and stereo wire.
The stereo wire "hoses" are glued into holes drilled into the pack and the body, with some craft-store rivet-button things as "receivers" on his suit, to add a coupling instead of just hoses jammed into his arms and legs.
Back in 2003 I wasn't buying Joes at that point but I was still checking out the toy aisle. Heavy Water was one of the figures from that era I wish I had picked up--good sculpt, good accessories, good specialty. If you got him you even got a decent mini-gun from being packaged with some dude called "Heavy Duty"?!?! I thought at the very least I could make a 25th version with one of the many IG/CC bodies I had laying around! Their unique design makes them difficult to re-purpose. It works for this guy, though, so I used scrap parts to make a character that I missed back in the day. If I find glow-in-the-dark paint it's going on the hoses. The last pic is after a particularly radioactive day in a failing core (or caught in TRON.)