Head - ROC Breaker
Body/Coat - Wolverine Gambit

Goggles - Made from Sgt Hacker Firefly Mask
Rocket Launcher - VvV Tunnel Rat Water Squirter
Wrist Blaster/Mp3 Player - VvV Wrist Com unit & VvV Televiper Communicator

Metal Head lives a rock and roll lifestyle. Fancy cars, alcohol and loud music. Metal Head bought a tour bus and filled it with Guitars and when he got bored with it... he blew it up.

Metal Head is one of Destro's top Anti-Armor armanment developers. He works closely with Scrap Iron developing new ways to destroy anything.

Metal Head's wrist blaster is a high energy laser. It is also equipped with an MP3 player so he can listen to 80's metal while on the battlefield.

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