Heads- SW Baron Fel/ 25th Tripwire
Body-25th Tripwire
Harness and belt- SW Baron Fel
Chemical Vacuum- Custom
Backpack and hoses- ARAH Airtight

I have seen a few diferent takes on this character so i decided to give it a shot. After watching the old cartoons I realized that the SW Baron Fel figure with his receeding hairline would be perfect for this Joe. After getting the head to fit correctly I added layers of yellow and dark green to the body. I used the Baron Fel harness and chest piece with a hole in back for the newly re -painted backpack.I didnt go with the Copperhead or Avac pilot head i had seen used before instead opted for the Tripwire helmet with holes drilled in the back for the hoses and a WW2 flight mask. The Chemical Vacuum was made from this and that from my fodder bin.

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