Liz Swan Head
Chap Mei vest
Spiderman Motorcycle Toy Green Goblin upper arms
Helix lower arms
25A Scarlett Torso and legs
modified with VvV Televiper elbows for knee joints
Electrical tape for skirt
Mystics are often, but not always, assigned to the team of each Paladin Knight (sometimes by request of the Knight, sometimes by mandate of the directors, and most often on a mission to mission need only basis). Many Knights and EXCAL agents are reluctant to be involved with the Mystics, fearing some invasion of their privacy, or having some other moral objection to the practice. But few will dispute the effectiveness of the program. The Mystic Division is led by a senior "mage", codename: Merlin. Merlin serves as personal advisor to the EXCAL Directors and most specifically advises the Paladin Knights when in joint counsel. This advice typically does not branch into the tactical realm, though the perception that it does causes some level of strife with the head of military ops, Commander Tigh, who believes he would be better utilized running the Knight program rather than the fledgling military division of EXCAL, which to date has mostly consisted of soldiers loaned from the U.S. Military much more so than actual soldiers he can truly command.
When a Mystic is assigned to a Knight, the aid provided could range from mere advice, to actual strategic use of the Mystic's skills (the skills vary person to person, but might include psychic abilities in various forms, the ability to mildly persuade, to drain energy from a foe, to enlighten or empower friendly combatants, and so forth).
Not much is known about the girl they call Rogue. Not her age (though late 20s is suspected, despite the white stripes in her hair); not her real name (Anna M. Raven is listed as her name for purposes of the EXCAL background check conducted, but it is suspected this is an alias); not her specific areas of education or training (though rumor has it she graduated from a top secret school for the "gifted" which EXCAL investors had been backing long before the organization itself was formed).
In any event, what is known is that Rogue is among the best of the Mystics in the EXCAL ranks, mostly due to her versatility, more so than her strength in any singular area of the arts. Most people think that the Mystics are magicians, wizards, or witches. Perhaps in the days of old, these titles might have been appropriate. But the reality is that the Mystics have merely tapped into the usually latent skill potential of the human mind, and have created a discipline which many hope will lead the human race out of its present state of turmoil into a state of enlightenment, and help defeat the forces of evil in the process.
Rogue is still relatively new to EXCAL, but has already made a name for herself based upon her skill... specifically, what she can do with it when angered. While investigating a suspected mole within the EXCAL ranks, a particularly stubborn and foul mouthed witness angered Rogue, and she focused her energy on mentally draining his. The result was a 2 week coma, a new lead into the investigation, and a reputation for Rogue as someone not to be messed with.
Rogue's versatility (i.e. some level of proficiency in most every Mystic skill, though complete mastery of none) has led to her assignment to Knighthawk's team, as Knighthawk typically leads the toughest and most diverse missions EXCAL has to offer. Rogue has counseled Knighthawk on all matters (and a close bond has started to develop between them), and has also served as interrogator, spy, combat support, and more.
There is, however, a mission which all the Mystics have, which is not openly known by the Knights - secret mental evaluations are ordered upon each Knight and his team (without consent), and with reports required to be sent to Merlin when possible. Certainly the intelligent, skilled, freedom loving Knights would not think their assigned Mystics quite so helpful if this hidden agenda were known. Thus, the secondary mission of each Mystic is essentially that of "Internal Affairs".