head & cap - ROC 5 pack Repeater
arms & torso - Resolute Duke (from Resolute 5 pack)
legs - Gung Ho
vest - Sgt. Stone

Like many customizers out there, I used the extra Zartan head in the ROC troop builder 5 pack to make a more accurate Repeater. I then used the original Repeater in the set to make a custom Hardball. He was never really a favorite of mine and for some reason, he was the ONLY Joe in his wave way back when that I never got. Anyway I wanted to go the extra mile and give him a more practical uniform that gave him more protection in combat than say...a baseball jersey, but at the same time, I wanted to stay true to his classic look. The spare Sgt. Stone vest in the 5 pack painted to look like his original jersey worked perfectly. So I was able to get some good mileage out of my ROC 5 pack.

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