Entire figure (RoC Monkeywrench), SCAR Rifle (Marauder, Inc.), Bandannas (RoC Tunnel Rat).
The RoC Monkeywrench released last year by Hasbro was not a terrible figure, but it needed a bit of improvement. In my opinion, it just needed some more of the details from the ARAH figure. The bandannas were the first, and easiest, fix. Since I bought several of the Monkeywrench/Tunnel Rat 2-packs when they were on clearance, I just took two of the bandannas from my extra Tunnel Rat figures and painted them red. I applied Dull-Cote to seal the paint and then set them aside. Next, I repainted his pants so that they resembled the faded jeans the character wore in the 80's. I also painted the various patches onto his jeans. Moving on to his vest, I used my X-acto knife to shave off the equipment (the vest came from the same mold as Gung-Ho's vest) and then sanded it smooth. Finally, I started work on the head. I used the X-acto knife to "shave" away part of the beard so that it matched my recollection of Monkeywrench. Then, I used Super Sculpey to add the sunglasses. I repainted the hair a lighter brown and then sealed the entire figure with Testors Dull-Cote. Once dry, I replaced his grenade bandolier, added the bandannas to his lower legs and armed him with a SCAR from Marauder, Inc. I wanted to equip him with the same nasty-looking pitchfork gun that the ARAH figure came with, but as of this posting I have not been able to acquire one. If and when I do, I'll update the photos.