Head: Interrogator '91
Torso: Ferret '88
Arms: Star Viper '88
Waist: Headhunter '92
Legs: Iron Grenadier '88
Flamethrower: Darklon's Evader '88 gun
Hose: Charbroil '88
Backpack: Toxo-Viper '88
This custom started with the Interrogator head. I always knew it had potential for an Iron Grenadier custom, so I went through all my black figures and body parts to end up with this guy. I already had the flamethrower parts laying around in another "ideas"-drawer and they suited him well.
The golden gloves on the Star Viper arms have suffered some paint wear, but that turned out very good with this figure and his specialty. Now, the black spots look like soot on the gloves which looks pretty realistic.