Head - SDS Black Major
Torso - RoC Neo Viper
Arms - RoC Cobra Commander
Legs - RoC Shockblast
Feet - ??
Book - SDS
AK47 - Marauder gunrunners

No one knows whether John Shepard is an Action Force traitor or has been brainwashed by Baron Ironblood. What people do know however, is that The Black Major is unswervingly loyal to Ironblood, and will stoop to any level to complete a mission. Feared as an unsurpassed battlefield commander and strategist with seemingly no emotions. The Black Major follows Baron Ironblood's orders without question.
Court martialed in Absentia by his former Royal Marine unit and disowned by his family following his treachery, his name is derived from the Spanish phrase el comandante negro, which was shouted at him by Andean soldiers in his first engagement for the Red Shadows.

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