Head: Flash '82/83
Torso: Mutt '84
Arms: Vapor '90
Waist/Legs: Psych-Out '87

Laser Rifle: Taurus '87
Pistol: Lifeline '86
Backpack: Lifeline'86
Helmet: Airborne'90 (Sky Patrol)
Hose: Various Figures

Flash is part of a custom project I started a while back. I wanted to use the original head sculpts, and, if the character shared a torso with someone else, I would use the same torso on those customs. Flash and Grand Slam ended up with Mutt torsos mainly because the shoulder pads reminded me of the padding on their original sculpts.

I wanted to give Flash a look that paid homage to his original. However, I also wanted a type of hazmat suit look for him to represent his secondary specialty of CBR.

I thought about giving the laser a scope, but in the end, I figured with his electronics expertise, his helmet would have some type of Heads Up Display inside the visor.

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