Population: 250,000
Chief Export: Nuclear Materials, Weapons
Languages: Russian 85%, Pashto 15%
Military Forces: 235,000 troops (weapons and material est. for 500,000 troops).
Historical name: Khorogh - 65 is the official designation for the territory, as it was approximately 65 kilometers from the city of Khorough.
Khoroghograd (Khorogh - 65) was a “closed city” of the Soviet Union that achieved independent status upon the fall of the Soviet Union in 1993. Due to the secretive and self-sustaining nature of closed cities, and the fact that they were not listed on any public record or map, it was an easy transition to independent statehood. Military rule follows the established Soviet military leadership doctrine, and continues to support the cold war research and programs. The military leadership demanded recognition by the United Nations as an “independent closed administrative-territorial formation” with all the rights of an independent state, but without UN representation. The recognition of Khoroghograd was achieved through a closed order in council and it is rumored that it was strongly influenced by the fact that Khorogh - 65 possessed the world's 5th largest nuclear arsenal.
Khorogh-65 is also notable due to the fact that it was the stockpiling area for all military equipment and troops who retreated from the Afghan war in 1989. Over 50,000 wounded veterans of hard combat were left in Khorogh - 65 by Central Command, where they were more or less overlooked and overshadowed by the events of the Soviet Union's collapse. As a result, the country has a BTR, T72 tank or HIND helicopter for every man, woman and child in the country.
Lifetime military service is compulsory, and begins at the age of 9. Every citizen is trained and maintains a firearm. In addition, Khoroghograd maintains over 9,000 nuclear capable warheads, and 2,000 long range delivery systems.
Khoroghograd has a 0% reported crime rate in all sectors.
Geography: Khoroghograd is located in a mountainous region of Tajiikastan bordering the Hindu Kush (near the Kyber Pass.) Khoroghograd is less than an 2 hour drive from Kabul, Islamabad and the Kashmir Region though the mountain roads of the area may be impassable at some times of the year.
90% of all populated areas and 85% of non-agricultural industry are located in subterranean hardened military facilities. The country is supplied with water from the Lake Shiva testing facility.
Economy: Khoroghograd is a closed communist economic collective based on a military structure. Foreign currency is accumulated almost exclusively through weapons sales, and despite a large (comparatively) agricultural sector, Khoroghograd is a net importer of food. Khoroghograd is known to trade soviet military surplus arms to Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, as well as Iraq and Iran.
Leadership: Khoroghograd follows a standard soviet military command structure with a general staff lead by a Commander. The Commander is chosen from the staff. The current Leader is Commander Ichian Losovich, former General of Experimental Research.
Ichan Losovich: Losovich is a revered elder of Khoroghograd operations, and only the 3rd leader of the country since its formation. He is suffering from severe and disfiguring radiation poisoning which some have suggested has caused some degree of “madness”, citing his courting of international fury by providing Nuclear weapons to Iraq, and nuclear materials to Iran to support an internal development program.
Recent History: Khoroghograd was brought into the public eye in the years around the turn of the millennium when it was discovered that they were secretly providing nuclear materials, support and even delivery devices to Iraq, necessitating a world response (citation needed) to address the threat of Iraq's nuclear proliferation. When the American troops and UN inspectors arrived, the materials were removed back to Khoroghograd in Operation “Long Road” which left the international community with the options of looking somewhat foolish for the war rationale, or deliberately draw Khoroghograd to the public eye - something that the international community has been somewhat reluctant to do.
Recent reports indicate that Khoroghograd has also become a safe port for terrorists and public figures in exile with Communist tendencies. Because of the closed nature of the country and the fear of a very dynamic reprisal, there is very little international appetite to confront Khoroghograd about these actions.
Khoroghograd Army Officers are the best informed and equipped officers in the East. Using 2 man leader detachments that would cover the Lieutenant and Sargent roles, the leaders offer reinforcement and redundancy in thier support and leadership of the troops.
They are entrusted with state of the art imaging and Combat Command and Control systems, and can see where their troops are, and what they are doing. The visors that they wear are patched into a full 50,000 foot view of the area, satellite coverage of the ground around them, and a full line of communication to home base for clarifications.
"The troops do not need to be confuse with information. This stops them from serving their roles in the machinery of the state. The officers must do their thinking for them, leaving them with clear heads, clear instructions and clear targets." Khoroghograd Army Officer Training Guide Book 26.
I did a trade with someone on the board for 75 blizard bodies without heads. I wanted to do a regular army uniformed enemy, and thought that the Blizzard body would make a good base. these are all dyed chocolate brown, and given brown accessories to make them look as generic as possible.
Khoroghograd Army Assault Teams are the backbone of Khoroghograd fighting forces. Using 3 man detachments for field and urban operations, the teams make the best use of the small but well trained military troops.
Most assault team members have seen action in Afghanistan or other areas in the Hindu Kush. Younger team members have seen action in Iraq and Iran, and have fought more than their share of insurgents, rebels and some of the best trained militaries in the world.
They might not have the best materiel or the best training. They are too focused on Soviet doctrine and an old playbook. But they have lived no life but the military life for all their lives. They have seen the elephant, and lived through the most Darwinian training of all.
I did a trade with someone on the board for 75 blizard bodies without heads. I wanted to do a regular army uniformed enemy, and thought that the Blizzard body would make a good base. these are all dyed chocolate brown, and given brown accessories to make them look as generic as possible.
Khoroghograd Army Assault Teams are the elite of Khoroghograd fighting forces. Using 2 man detachments for spotting and elimination of targets, the teams make the best use of the small but well trained military troops.
Most sniper team members have seen action in Afghanistan or other areas in the Hindu Kush. Younger team members have seen action in Iraq and Iran, and have more hours and downed targets than sniper elements of any other formal military. They practice one shot, one kill, and carry minimal ammunition into the field to encourage that mindset.
Unlike the rank and file troops, they are spared no expense in receiving customized and specialized weapons and gear. They are focused on Soviet doctrine and an old playbook but the playbook was never a bad one. They see the world as a place without complexities or politics - they see the world through the scope of a rifle.
I did a trade with someone on the board for 75 blizard bodies without heads. I wanted to do a regular army uniformed enemy, and thought that the Blizzard body would make a good base. these are all dyed chocolate brown, and given brown accessories to make them look as generic as possible.