The characters were pretty easy to choose from. Bulgakov was a must since he was a prime focus of this issue. Add to that the fact we've gotten the other Oktober Guard figures recently and adding another one (albeit a defector) was fun to do. For the rest I just chose Torpedo because his parts were so easy to figure out when I looked at the comic and Deep Six since I, like almost everyone else, always wanted a Deep Six that's not hampered by diving gear.
Overall this was actually a little labor of love. None of the characters in this issue seem to have their clothing drawn the same in any of the panels. One second they have fur collars on their coards, the next they don't so I had to pick a single panel and go with it. You can see the main panels I used for each character below.
I also had to scramble to get some replacement parts thanks to a reaction between my original pain and my clearcoat. Of course, that reaction affected all the *hard* parts to redo (like Bulgakov's torso, etc), but I was lucky and pulled it out in time.
My only regret is choosing characters in the comic with very little choice in the way of things to accessorize them with. At least I got one thing per character, but even that was almost pushing for something.
Deep Six was the toughest to settle on a look for. You can see that he was colored differently in the panels above, plus his look changes a lot and he's not around in this look that much in this book. I settled on an amalgam of the two pics above, plus I took some cues from how Wet Suit looked except for teh turtleneck which Deep Six is never pictured with in the book.