The Syndicate is the ultimate worldwide criminal organization. Their influence reaches from the cities of Japan to the beaches of California and every country in between. With the governments of the world more concerned with stopping terrorist groups like Cobra, crime has spread and been allowed to become more organized. The ultimate crime family, The Syndicate trades in everything from weapons to information.
The leader of The Syndicate is known as The Chairman. The Chairman is a title similar to president or king and does not necessarily refer to a specific person. The current Chairman is a former member of the British SAS and is highly educated. He has taken The Syndicate from the coalition of smaller crime families to the global menace it has become much to the dismay of global police agencies.
The Syndicate is the ultimate worldwide criminal organization. Their influence reaches from the cities of Japan to the beaches of California and every country in between. With the governments of the world more concerned with stopping terrorist groups like Cobra, crime has spread and been allowed to become more organized. The ultimate crime family, The Syndicate trades in everything from weapons to information.
Napoleon is the definition of mafia thug. Born into a mob family in the slums of Paris he has grown up with a chip on his shoulder. His short stature made him the target of bullies as a child and often leads to his enemies underestimating his abilities. Ruthless, bloodthirsty and fearless he takes no prisoners in battle and is not afraid to break legs to accomplish his goals.
The Syndicate is the ultimate worldwide criminal organization. Their influence reaches from the cities of Japan to the beaches of California and every country in between. With the governments of the world more concerned with stopping terrorist groups like Cobra, crime has spread and been allowed to become more organized. The ultimate crime family, The Syndicate trades in everything from weapons to information.
Enforcers are the foot soldiers of The Syndicate. They are the brute force that carries out The Chairman's orders. Under the direct command of Napoleon, the Enforcers are brutal and effective in every task from combat to smuggling and delivery of black-market goods.