Ninja Cobra Commander
Ninja Cobra Commander
Ninja Cobra Commander
Ninja Cobra Commander

Every Since Cobra Commander has been the leader of Cobra, he has always had a body guard or someone to do his dirty work. Even when it came down to discipline, the Commander had someone ready to do his bidding.
After being cornered by Flint during a battle with G.I. Joe, Cobra Commander got beat up pretty good, having no one to defend him. Just before Flint could secure the Commander for capture Strom Shadow resued Cobra Commander by swiftly defeating Flint. Humbled by the beat down, Cobra Commander ordered Storm Shadow to teach him the ways of the Ninja. So cobra commander went into hiding while he trained vigorously until he earned the leveof Ninja.

Now all who oppose or dare to attack Cobra will have to face "NINJA COBRA COMMADER" code name King Cobra!

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