Air Chariot 2.0
Air Chariot 2.0
Air Chariot 2.0
Air Chariot 2.0

This was built for the "Super Joe Custom Cart" contest.
It is a ground based "Air chariot" with the ability to convert to a airborne air chariot, at the push of a button (shown in pics!). This took a very long time to build, as it will not fall apart when played with. The front axle area can spin completely around to be able to generate more wind force, to keep up with the back rotating wheel/blades. It has a gear shifter on the right, the steering column can move completely back into the driver's lap, and there is a button on the console to convert between modes. There are two main blasters up front, one in the snake head's mouth, a set of blaster on each side of the front axle (for use on the ground only!) and a blaster cannon on the rear underside. The fuel port is on the front "driver's side".

Lots of costructing, deconstructing needed to make everything fit and stay together nicely. Additional modification was neccesary to get it within the 6" length requirement.

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