After the start of Overkill's "Robot Rebellion", Cobra Commander saw a need to reinforce his own troops with new Battle Android Troopers. The Alley B.A.T. was developed to augment Cobra's urban forces. The Alley B.A.T. is built on the same basic mechanical structure as the standard B.A.T but that is where the similarities end. Reinforced armor plating covers enhanced microhydraulic motors and state of the art computer circuitry. Utilizing a highly advanced A.I. control program the Alley B.A.T. is able to make tactical decisions and has an improved friend/foe designation protocol. However, due to Overkill taking over all of Cobra's B.A.T. factories the Commander was left with limited production capabilities. Thus the Alley B.A.T. has only been deployed in small numbers with one or two being assigned to a unit.
This figure was a basic repaint with some slight modification to adapt the head and helmet to fit the neckball of the Iron Man figure. The rest was finding the right weapons to outfit the figure.