As Destro's long-time on-again-off-again lover, Baroness Anastasia had not always been totally honest with him or even herself regarding her feelings for him. However, in her heart she never truly wavered in her devotion. This was made particularly apparent to her during his quest to regain his birthright and usurp the Scottish throne. She fully supported him in his quest for glory, becoming his royal consort (appropriate considering her lineage) as well as a larger part of his plans than even Destro himself had anticipated.
Anastasia's "crowning" achievement came upon her convincing Cobra Commander to allow his armies to support Destro's military actions. Naturally, not even Cobra Commander himself could know the truth: that once Cobra had helped her and Destro gain control of Scotland, everyone - from the lowliest Cobra Trooper to the Commander himself - would be completely under the control of the agent formerly known as The Baroness ... Queen Anastasia of Scotland.
I wanted The Baroness to be very much like Laurana from Dragonlance - totally tough but uber-feminine - and it was important to me for the fig to be unique.
I started with the Darth Talon figure - she was already amazing in shape, just needed her weird skirt-flap modded and INTENSE painting. It was rough to cover the red. The joints were all dremeled and sealed afterward, so the fig is fully posable (though honestly, all she can do is raise and lower her arms and legs).
More than anything, I wanted her hair to be insanely long. I tried to sculpt it but it was IMPOSSIBLE! It suddenly occurred to me that she could have brushable, style-able hair, so I used embroidery floss, unwound down to double-strands. I could have unwound it further but it may have frizzed-up too much.