Having successfully ruled over the the interwebs of North America, Beavstro has set his sights on going global. After Destro ascended to the throne of Scotland, Beavstro saw a new opportunity to control the world wide web. Using his knowledge of Apple operating systems and hardware and his incredible jig-dancing skills he quickly came to the attention of the new Laird of Scotland. Assigned as Destro's Minister of Technology and personal webmaster, Beavstro controls all things electronic in Scotland.
What fortuitous timing that the Destro King of Scotland Group Project coincides with Joe Customs founder Beav's departure for Scotland. So in honor of of our fearless leader I present Beavstro. I've had this head for a while and have been waiting for the something special to inspire me to use it. I swapped the lower legs on the IG Destro figure to give him matching boots (swapped the feet too so they were on the right legs). The rest was just fitting the head to the neck and painting it. I considered painting the whole head silver to match Destro's mask but that just seemed too easy. So instead I painted the pilot cap silver and the lenses of the goggles green to match Destro's eyes. I'm quite happy with how he turned out.