Codename: Black Rose
Real Name: Amanda Conners
Identity: (Public/Secret/Known only to the Gubmint/Etc) Secret
Occupation: Journalist Citizenship: U.S.
Place of Birth/Hatching/Spontaneous Generation/Incorporealization/Assembly: San Fransisco, CA
Known Relatives: Uncle Dr. Charles Conners
Group Affilitation: none
Education: College education
First Appearance: (Pointless for our uses, but it's in the template) City of Heroes protector server (5/06)
History: Amanda Conners was raised by her Uncle Charles after her mother and father died in a car accident when she was 10. Or that is what Amanda knows. In truth, her parents were killed and she was shot in the back and left for dead when her father refused to turn over his experimental research and studies on cybernetic enhancements with nanotechnology that he and his brother Charles were working on. The people responsible shot the three and tore the house and research labs apart taking what they thought was all the research. Charles found them all and only Amanda was still alive, barely. He took her to the secret lab he and his brother built, and saved her life. Then he made the decision to use the experimental technology and procedure to heal Amanda. He gave her a cybernetic spine, he infused nanotech into her and wired her brain so he could re-write her memories and download new, false ones. He and Amanda left and started life anew across the country in New York. As Amanda grew Charles would upgrade her cybernetics and had the nanobytes keep her in top pysical shape. Soon Charles found out that those that were responsible for Amanda's parents deaths were still looking for him, he started to program into Amanda fighting styles and increased her cybernetics, giving her reinforced skeletal bones. Soon he sent her out to try out her powers and thus Black Rose was born. Charles seperated the memories of Black Rose from Amanda. Now as a reporter Amanda is trying to figure out who the Black Rose is and Charles is despreatly trying to find out who is responsible for his brothers death and to stay alive! Now a new wrinkle has arisen, someone who know the truth about Amanda/Black Rose and everything, and he is wanting revenge on Charles and his brother!
Height: 5'9"
Eyes: Blue (Green when Black Rose)
Hair: Brunette (Red to Dark red when Black Rose)
Abilities: Black Rose has increased reflexes, increased strenght (can press 300 lbs) increased jumping ability (can jump 3 stories straight up), amazing hand eye coordination, highly skilled in several forms of Martial Arts, has increased running speed, and increased resistance to pain.
Equipment: Black Rose carries a metal collapsable staff. She has pouches which she carries throwing stars, ground spikes, and other equipment.
This one I at first like when I finished it, but I kept repainting it trying to get her to look just like I imagined it. After taking the pictures, I still don't like the way she turned out, I need to resand and smooth her out more. I do like the way her hair turned out though.