
Charbroil was a leading businessman in one of the nation's best bar-b-que sauce companies. He was filthy rich, and has his handsome face plastered all over his product.

But there were some in his company whom sought out the power and the money he had, and put into action a plan for corporate takeover. Charbroil was ousted from the very company in which he started, all in the name of corporate America and behind the scenes politics.

Down on his luck, Charbroil hit up his favorite watering hole, determined to drown his sorrows and end his life after words. The bar ended up being the scene of a huge brawl started by an ornery Texan named Wild Bill, who slaughtered almost everyone inside. Charbroil, one of the last people left alive, so far only suffering a forearm being blown off, was spared, when his business card fell out of his sport jacket, while staring down the barrel of Wild Bill's shotgun. Wild Bill, after seeing the name on the card, spared his life, as Charbroil's Tasty Sauce had been a favorite of his since he was a young'un.

Wild Bill picked the man up, dusted him off, and told him he was spared, and went back to his rampage in the bar. The night ended with Wild Bill locked up, and charbroil admiring the man. Charbroil decided that having nothing left, he was going to take it out on those who ruined his life. His ignorant hatred soon became for everything capitalism stood for, and soon found himself in the graces of GI Joe. He learned of a hit that was to be performed on Wild Bill in his cell, due to Wild Bill killing a GI Joe agent. Charbroil used his skills at negotiation to convince his superiors that Wild Bill would be a perfect for the organization.

Charbroil's right arm is now equipped with a propane induced flamethrower, which he delights in using on unfortunate victims. As a slap in the face to corporate America, he leaves behind a bottle of Charbroil's Tasty Sauce with each of his victims.

I had a little fun with this guy's bio. I had several ideas for parts, but could never get a cool look out of any of them. This was my final draft, and almost decided not to do him, until I found the skirted star wars guy, and chopped the skirt off to help do something different to help the figure stand out more. Fairly pleased with how he ended up, although I think I could have done better.

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