When Rollbar was a young Joe recruit the Motorpool vets like Clutch and Crankcase took him under their wing. Those guys would joke about his ride needing training wheels and he'd give it right back about them being there when the wheel was invented or how easy it must have been to navigate when the world was flat.
Now Rollbar serves as the seasoned Senior Warrant Officer, providing leadership and guidance to the other Joes. Because they come from an era with HUD* GPS** devices and auto-inflate kevlar tritanium mesh tires, Rollbar has to say a silent thanks to his mentors when these kids ask him why they have to learn how to use a road map or change a flat.
*Heads Up Display **Global Positioning Satellite
The picture I had in my mind when doing this character was Tom Sizemore's Lt Col McKnight from the movie Blackhawk Down. Bullets flying all around him and he just walks right through it to fix whatever the problem is. Part of it being sheer determination to get the job done and the other part of it being that he's too old to want to play duck and cover.