Another logical choice for this set, I struggled a bit with the color scheme for this vehicle. At first, I experimented with painting on a diamond pattern. When my experiments did not pan out, I went with straight black with blue highlights. With the stickers and the driver, I like the way it turned out.
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For this project, I wanted to emulate the type of offerings that the GIJCC put out every year. I had a few criteria:
- Lots of paint apps
- No (or few) modified parts
- Weapons and accessories are all (mostly) from Hasbro's Joe line
- Vehicles are all from Hasbro's Joe line
I really wanted this set to "feel" like an authentic Club set. I pretty much stayed within these self-imposed guidelines. I only broke these rules a couple of times. My justification was that the Club has been tooling up new parts (on a limited basis) in the last few years.