Cobra Viper Knight
Cobra Viper Knight

The Cobra Viper has long been the backbone of the Cobra forces. When Cobra troops were rolled into the Scottish National Army, they were immediately given a bump in rank and given a special commendation directly from King Destro for their many years of service that led to the formation of the new Scot Regency.

This of course, made undisciplined ruffians that made up the bulk of the Viper Corps even more insufferable than ever before.

Royal designers were brought in to "update" the Viper uniform to bring it into line with the requirements of courtly life. The updates included titanium/cobalt chain mail armor, plastic/ceramic armor plating, a servo assist strength enhancement system and an integrated warming and cooling system. The standard VR1 rifle has been replaced with a copper etched Distance Battle Rifle 1 which is a MARS modification of a popular design.

"They may look like peacocks, and couldn't hit the broad side of a castle with their fancy guns, but they're so armored up you can't bring them down with anything less than a missile."

I saw the Narnia figure, and knew that I had a good base for what I wanted out of the base figure. The elements that say "Viper" were there, from the vest like armor, and the armguards, to the big boots that define the figure for me.

I played with a lot of clear paint over metallic bases, and for the most part it worked, though I needed multiple coats.

The necklace type thing is supposed to be a stylized Destro head, but I'm not sure if it comes across as that, or a blob of silver looking plastic. It is supposed to be "The Order of Destro" decoration.

I am a little disappointed that I never figured out what to use as a belt buckle.

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