Cpt. Killblood
Cpt. Killblood
Cpt. Killblood
Cpt. Killblood

Cpt. Killblood was a soldier born in the future sent back through time to protect his Grandfather, Arizona James, a famous archeologist who along with Killblood's father Martin MacFlay, (who was just a boy at the time), unearthed evidence of a secret alien society composed of tiger people that eat humans hearts, then crap out a hybrid/tiger being, thus infesting whatever world they come to conquer, while traveling in tornadoes.
Cpt. Killblood is enhanced with cybernetic parts and eye, has flight ability, super strength, and a healing factor (of course).

Ludicrous, yes, but it would have worked in the 90's.

So for the blind pull, I got these body parts.
I went to my room looking at the parts. I pieced them together, and thought, "what am I going to do with these...They are so out of proportion they look like a Rob Liefeld drawing....

Bingo! Problem solved. It's the recently unearthed Rob Liefeld character concept from 1994! Cpt. Killblood! Of course, the name needed to let you know this guy means business.

I didn't paint the shoes, because in true Rob fashion, he would never draw the feet anyways.
I added some silver chrome paint, because this guy is from the 90's, he needs to have some cyborg forearms and hands or something.
I popped on that ridiculous looking helmet, and cut out one eyepiece, so he has the cybernetic eye thing going on.
Added various pieces of armor, that serve no real purpose at all.
Oh, and swords, he needed swords, even if he was never going to use them...
Random glove/Gun barrel combination, with bullets way to big to feasibly shoot from it...
Some scuffed up armor via a dremel..because this guy has seen some ****! Intergalactic wars and the like.
Then I scratched built the gun, trying to make it as ridiculous and obscene as I could.
I tried to do some crazy effect with photobucket to mimic bad 90's comics.

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