Codename: Dankaa
Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: Too many to list
Identity: Known only to the Russian government, Chinese government, and DAMOCLES
Occupation: Secret Agent
Citizenship: None
Place of Birth: Unknown, possibly the Netherlands
Known Relatives: Vollum (genetic clone)
Group Affiliation: DAMOCLES (Directorate for Alien, Mutant, Occult, and sCientific Liaison, Enforcement and Surveillance)
Education: Government trained, believed to be Russian
History: Dankaa's past is just as mysterious as his abilities. The following information is based off evidence and may or may not be factual. DAMOCLES intelligence believes that Dankaa was born somewhere near the Netherlands. At birth, he had the ability to take change his shape, and even then, the ability to change or adapt his DNA. Though he had the ability, he was too young to control it. When he was born, he bore almost the exact likeness of his mother, so much that it startled everyone that saw the child. While he was in the womb, he had adapted nearly the exact DNA code of his mother. But what the family did not know was that this was not his normal features. Dankaa's first night at home would be his last night. When his father came to his beside early that morning, he saw a different baby, one with red eyes and white hair. Immediately the father believed that the child has been switched and that their baby had been stolen, though there was no evidence of intrusion at their home. This "new" child was handed over to the government, and no one was charged with disappearance of their baby. This would be the last known action of Dankaa's real parents.
Not long after the government took custody of Dankaa, he was placed in an orphanage. Quickly all those around him realized that something was special about this child. It seemed that anyone responsible for the child for any extended period of time began growing extremely attached to him. Each said that the child reminded him of himself, and that is exactly what was happening. Involuntarily, Dankaa was changing his DNA to mimic that of his caretakers. He was adapting; learning to survive. Each time that he was separated from human contact, he would revert back to his original form. Though everyone was fond of Dankaa, they were also afraid. Because of this, he never spent too much time at any one orphanage. No one knew just who or what he was.
The Netherlands government had no interest in this child, and turned a deaf ear to all the reports from various orphanages about these oddities. News soon spread to surrounding countries, until a member of the Russian government in East Germany heard of Dankaa. Eager to uncover the abilities of this young child, it did not take long for the Russian government to gain control of the "unwanted" orphan. He was immediately (even now less than 3 years old) put into training under a new program where he received his name DANKAA. The Russians realized the potential of Dankaa, even at an early age, and began his education as the future of their espionage program. It is here that he was taught multiple languages, including Russian, German, French, Chinese, and English. Along with his education, he also received military training. But, no matter how important these skills would be for Dankaa, as he grew, he began to learn how to control his gifts.
Dankaa realized that he could alter his physical appearance, though it took a certain degree of concentration. The problem with this type of shapeshifting was that he was limited by the DNA that he was working with. As he continued to harness his powers, he learned that he could even change his genetic structure, mimicking the DNA of another person. This process would be more difficult and pose some limitations, but there would be major advantages. First, he needed to meditate in order to do change his genetic structure, which could take several hours to complete. Also, he would need a DNA sample of the person he was going to mimic. By changing his DNA, Dankaa's shapeshifting was no longer limited. He found that certain strands of DNA gave him the ability to be bigger, smarter, stronger, and faster. More importantly to the Russians, they now had a spy that could not be caught due to fingerprints or DNA left behind. Dankaa was well on his way to become Russia's most !
important agent during the Cold War.
While on a mission, Dankaa discovered that the DNA he needed could even be found in strands of hair. Previously, the Russians had always given him blood samples of those he was to mimic, but this was easier. He started collecting and organizing DNA of nearly everyone he met, even of those that he worked for. No one knew what he was doing, but he was planning something. He was going to leave. Working for the Russians was not the life that he wanted. He was grateful for the education that they had given him, but he felt that he was called for something bigger. But those plans did not stay secret for long. As with most Russian agents, no one was safe from being spied on, not even their own spies. Working with the Chinese government, Russia handed Dankaa over to Dr. Agon, the man in charge of China's super soldier program.
Dr. Agon was in search of new DNA for his project, and Dankaa was the key. Agon theorized that if Dankaa could mimic others' DNA, that he could create his own strand, a super strand. Agon placed Dankaa's body in stasis, and connected his brain to a computer. The computer interacted with Dankaa's neural functioning, placing him in a false reality. The program made Dankaa believe that he had escaped the work camp and was being pursued by both the Chinese and the Russian governments. Agon constantly monitored his progress and the changes in Dankaa. At first, Dankaa relied solely on DNA that he mimicked in the past to evade capture, so the Dr. increased the situation, almost to an all out war in Dankaa's mind. This provoked Dankaa to begin combining different strands of DNA, ultimately creating a superior strand. Though it took many months, Dr. Agon had the DNA that he had so longed for. He had the beginnings of his next super solider, Vollum.
Though intrigued by Dankaa's genetics, Dr. Agon was too focused on the super soldier project to continue new experiments. Dankaa spent several more weeks connected to the computer unmonitored, until one night the program failed. Dankaa awoke from his false reality, completely and utterly confused. He did not know where he was or what was going on, but he did know one thing: he had to leave. His many years as a Russian agent taught him that there was only one organization that could help him, and that was DAMOCLES.
Height: 5'10" (Variable)
Weight: 185lbs (Variable)
Eyes: Red (Variable)
Hair: White (Variable)
Abilities: Shapeshifting, DNA manipulation, brilliant linguist
Equipment: Briefcase (which includes collected DNA samples), DAMOCLES issued pistol