Deep Six w/ S.H.A.R.C. Suit
Deep Six w/ S.H.A.R.C. Suit

Malcolm Willoughby is a pre-eminent inventor in the field of maritime technology. Using his knowledge of oceanic science and mechnical engineering he has created a one of a kind diving suit that is completely self-sufficient. The Submersible Human Aquatic Research Capsule is a state of the art diving suit. Utilizing the most advanced motors and mechanical gears and pistons allows the suit to be able to move at the deepest depths. The advanced air filtration system made up of specialized guages and valves built into the back of the divers wet-suit allows the diver to operate untethered from a surface air pump. The suit is equipped with a specialized camera, lights and a wrist mounted harpoon cannon for defense. "Deep Six" as he's called by his fellow sailors uses the S.H.A.R.C. suit to investigate sunken ships and rescue trapped sailors. He prefers the quiet of the depths to the crowded decks of the ships from which he deploys. Deep Six would spend the rest of his life on the ocean floor if his body would allow it.

This particular head has a very Victorian feel to it I believe. The handlebar moustache fits perfectly for this era. The back of the Cobra Commander torso presented problems until I decided to make it part of the dive suit. With some copper paint the hi-tech circuitry becomes old-fashioned guages and valves.

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