Codename: Dr. Agon
Real Name: Atan Odonata
Aliases: Dr. Atan
Identity: Public, though now has taken the identity of Dr. Agon
Occupation: Geneticist
Citizenship: Chinese
Place of Birth: Hong Kong, China
Known Relatives: Atan Yin-Chi (father, deceased), Atan Xiaoyun (mother, deceased)
Group Affiliation: None
Education: Ph.D in Genetics, University of Hong Kong
History: Dr. Agon was actually born into an atypical Chinese family by the name of Atan. His mother was a mathematician at the university, and his father was a zoologist, with a specialty in entomology, who worked for the Chinese government. His father was obsessed with his job and, in fact, named his child Odonata, the order of insects that includes dragonflies, because of their resilience. Little did he know how fitting the name would become.
Though Odonata's family was not the typical Chinese family, it gave him many opportunities that most children would never have. He spent many hours at the university with his mother, reading and studying, anything that he could get his hands on. He became obsessive. He would often stay up all night reading, researching, in order to learn more and more. As he got older, he was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which explained his fervor to learn. With his age also grew his interests in the sciences like his father, but to an even more extreme level. Odonata convinced himself that humans were limiting themselves; that their true potential was yet to be unlocked, and he was going to be the man that would lead China into the century as a true world power. This all while still in high school.
Odonata finished his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Hong Kong in 3 years, and began his doctoral program in Genetics soon after. After graduation, he was given the opportunity to work with a famous Chinese scientist, Dr. Agon Shusheng, who worked on the original post World War II Chinese super soldier project. Odonata (now Dr. Atan) was furious to learn that the Dr. Agon Shusheng had been given permission to resurrect the failed project, but was going to turn down the offer, but Dr. Atan could not resist this chance to fulfill his dreams. By assuming the identity of Dr. Agon, Odonata knew that he could become more powerful than anyone in the world. Not even the Chinese government could stop him. The real Dr. Agon's body was never found, in fact, he is still presumed alive by the government. Dr. Atan, however, was pronounced dead two weeks later from a mysterious toxin.
With Atan Odonata's rebirth, the nymph was now the dragonfly: the new Dr. Agon was born. Agon's first act was to accept the offer to resurrect the super soldier program. He needed test subjects, and the government granted him access to prisoners. He randomly chose subject after subject, naming each project after biological weapons. His first successful subject was Anthrax, formerly known as Gary Twain. Agon performed a series of surgeries, rigorous psychological and neural testing, and genetic enhancements to increase strength and endurance. The successes of these experiments even lead Dr. Agon to experiment on his own body, fusing two biomechanical arms to his lower torso.
Though Anthrax was Dr. Agon's first success, there was failure in the future. No matter the experiments and the tests, Dr. Agon was unable to rid Anthrax of the memories if his former life. Project Anthrax was scrapped and the man formerly known as Gary Twain was left for dead. Agon realized that the only way to create a successful super soldier was to use a new form of genetic engineering: cloning. But Agon would need the right DNA... a DNA that was unlike that of any man that had ever lived. Dr. Agon would find his answer. His name was Dankaa.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 195lbs (including biomechanical arms)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Abilities: Super genius level IQ, brilliant geneticist and scientist
Equipment: Robotic arms