Dr. Mindbender
Dr. Mindbender
Dr. Mindbender
Dr. Mindbender

Dr. Mindbender was ordered to start work on a new project to destroy G.I. Joe. Not given any clear directions, Mindbender decided to delve into the occult and supernatural. He then recruited Crystal Ball and together led Cobra down a dark and twisted path! After Crystal Ball brought him a Lychan Mindbender began to experiment on it. He was able to create a formula that can turn anyone into a were-wolf and it is not affected by the cycle of the moon. Mindbender is crazier and deadlier then ever!

Had the CC body from the "Pay It Forward" box and decided to use it for Mindbender. I added the Spytroops head and hands to give him a different look. Used some "Steampunk" colors for him and liked the over all look!

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