
Python Eel
Underwater Demolitions Specialists

Eels are the Underwater Demolitions Specialists of the Python Patrol. Their put through a rigorous training regiment; Including Marine structural Engineering, Marine Geology, as well as a crash course in explosive ordinance and Underwater fighting techniques, all of this in some of the harshest environments below sea level. Those who pass in one piece get the honor of donning their new pythonized wetsuit, complete with state-of-the-art, closed circuit, self-contain breathing systems, as well as hull slashing stabilizer fins, and a specialized body heat and sonar-masking Python coating. Normally they man and Operate Cobra marine outposts which are disguised as Oil rigs in between their missions to sink ships and then salvage their cargo.

"If you thought a great white shark was scary, just think of one equipped with plastic explosives and a Spear gun! No ship is safe when these snake-skinned sea saboteurs are sent on a mission. They love to string underwater mines in shipping lanes, and then wait for the fireworks to sends ships down to the bottom...permanently."

This guy was the last-minute addition to the force, mainly meant as a pilot for the Python SHARC. I'd threw the figure together like 5 years ago...however the original had wet suits Body and the Eels Head, Arms, and Legs. To comply with the rules I switched out the waist for an Eels before painting. All and all, it took me a week to paint him up in his Python Officer Paintjob. The hardest part was trying to compile a bio from both of the file cards, that and getting the arms to stop scraping off the paint.

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