Johnny's Rebels
Johnny's Rebels
Johnny's Rebels
Johnny's Rebels

File Name: Various
Primary military Specialty: Cavalry
Secondary military specialty: Domestic Terrorists
Birthplace: U.S.A

Johnny's rebels consider themselves to be a modern cavalry force valiantly defying the U.S government and hoping to ignite a new civil war. The ranks of the rebels are made up of ex-convicts, violent criminals and militant bigots; People easily swayed by their leader Johnny Reb's charismatic speeches. However, the vast majority of the gang members are more concerned with Drinking and making money from their various criminal activities. They keep their ties to Cobra secret as they feel that public acknowledgment of outsider support might be detrimental to the cause. This is fine with Cobra high command as they see the rebels as cannon fodder to use against G.I. Joe.

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