General McIntosh
General McIntosh
General McIntosh
General McIntosh

File Name: Gen. John McIntosh
Birthplace: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Specialty: (former) Weapons Specialist (Current) Head of B.S.M.T.

Served nine years in the U.S. Army, until one day realizing he did not want to be a number. He decided "he" wanted to have the say-so on who to attack, who to defend and when and where to do it. Not to mention, be in control of the amount of money paid for the job. With his skill and knowledge of war, he started his own mercenary team and called it Black Smoke. With no Government funding and little start-up money, he hand picked only the best to get the job done with minimal amount of available resources. Though, he's had many offers, he only stays true to one contract...G.I JOE!

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