
File Name: Falcone, Vincent
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Terrorist/Insurgent Training and Recruitment

Falcon was your classic fast driving, skirt chasing pretty boy Green Beret until his helicopter crashed in Southeast Asia on a training mission. Ninety percent of his body was burned beyond recognition and he lost his left arm. He was nursed to health by Hawk, the leader of the insurgent G.I. Joe Strikeforce. Hawk told Falcon that the US Government was responsible for his disfigurement and that he was left for dead. Falcon bought into the propaganda and joined G.I. Joe as their training and recruitment specialist.

Falcon is a specialist in training and leading native insurgents. Tribal peoples respond to two types of leadership: You can bully and overwhelm them with superior firepower and technology... Or you can bite the head off a snake, chug-a-lug the local beverage and yell, "Follow-me!" Falcon is the type to bite the head off a snake, spit it in your face, and then bully and overwhelm you with firepower. He's one bad mo-fo.

I had a tough time coming up with the design for an evil Falcon. Not even sure why I picked him. I decided to go with scarred, cybernetic villain look. I'm not that happy with the way his "Jonah Hex" eye turned out but I ran out of time.

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