Destro offered Firefly a position in his government similar to what he granted Baron Bludd but Firefly declined. Not wanting to be tied down to one master, Firefly's mercenary tendencies keep him independent no matter how prosperous an exclusive agreement might be. However he does give Destro the same discount he gave Cobra Commander and gives him priority over other employers in exchange for safe haven from prosecution.
Unlike Baron Bludd and others in the Cobra hierarchy who have embraced Destro's royal court, Firefly hasn't let the change in Scottish leadership affect him. It has simply changed some of the reasons his skills might be needed and who might contract them.
I wanted Firefly to be like Boba Fett at Jabba's palace. He's an independent operator just hanging out until the next job comes along. But the figure gave me fits trying to find some inspiration for achieving the look. But once I started throwing parts together it suddenly clicked. The TGC torso has the formal look I wanted without being too ostentatious. It is originally sculpted with throwing stars on the upper chest sashes but I sanded those off and replaced them with the wrist rockets and grenades from Destro's gauntlets. The arms maintained the sweater look of the original figure design which helps keep this figure from looking too much like Storm Shadow. I went with a black and gray color scheme with small touches of red to tie him to loosely tie him to Destro's forces.