Well, this is my first group project custom, and I'm quite proud of how he has turned out. I still don't think I came up with a good name for my first Spacenok, but it'll do. I like the theme of movement, it sorta fits with his anime-style physique. Vehicles don't seem to be my strong point, but I'm very fond of the figure himself. If you were a Spacenok, wouldn't you want a cooler in the back of your hover-cycle? I know I would.
As I tried to emphasize in the file-card, this character is a sort of drifter, going from one place to another and living off of what he can fit in his bike. The chain-fist doesn't really shoot off, but it's fun to pop it off and swing it around like a mace. I tried to give a similar theme to the weapons and accessories, all in silvers and greens, and I'm very pleased with how they came out. I'm also fond of the two-part space boots and the big gun. The space-boots have an insulated cover made from Spytroops gear and the jet propulsion system in the back, made of those wonderful VvV communicators. His larger gun snaps into two parts, a small laser rifle without the barrel and a massive cannon with it attached. Overall, I'm quite fond of this effort, and look forward to participating in more group custom jobs.
Can you spot his left hand anywhere? :P