
File Name: Jervis, Elbert
Primary Military Specialty: Transportation
Secondary Military Specialty: Medic
Birthplace: Waterloo, Wisconsin

Hot-Wire is oft-times tactless and brash, but driving into a Night Operation, he is a cool and calm driver. Hot-Wire started with the Joe team as a mechanic in Cluth's motor-pool working on APCs and VAMPs. Taking an affinity to the APC, Hot-Wire started running ops with the team as an extraction driver. Having worked on a couple of missions with Flint, Flint recommended that Hot-Wire be tapped for a mission with Night Force to Cobra Island. He's been with Night Force ever since.

As a field medic, Hot-Wire can have his Night Scrambler torn down and converted into a M.A.S.H. in 3.5 minutes flat. This came in handy once when Night Force had to pull out rather quickly from a recon mission on a Terror Drome in Central Asia. Lt. Falcon is still greatful for the treatment to remove the wooden stake from his leg.

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