Not much is really known about who Dr. Isotope was before his transformation. What is known is that he was a scientist found by James McCullen XXIII and was experimenting with nuclear power. Getting a little nervous, McCullen sent him to work with the Black Dragon Organization on one of their many island bases. During a raid on one base by the Adventure Team, Dr. Isotope was trapped in his lab by Dr. Mike Power. The lab exploded dousing Dr. Isotope with many of his nuclear experiments and causing him to become the Nuclear Man. A walking nuclear weapon. He has fashioned a containment suit to help keep his energy in his body. He can also channel the energy into a blaster weapon. But Dr. Isotope must recharge his body with nuclear energy or he will parish. He now has vowed vengeance on the Adventure Team and most imprortantly Dr. Mike Power!
Since the Club showed off the promo pictures of Dr. Isotope I knew I had to make a 3 3/4" scaled version. So after finding a suitable head and body I then got to work with the glow in the dark paint. Took a few shots with a small black light from the Pirates toys and loved the effect. His face also glowed pretty bright after the light was off. The picture kind of grabs it.