Soon after his midnight foray into Buckingham Palace, the charismatic Destro appeared unmasked on national television, winning over many in his beloved Scotland. Sporting his family's ancestral armour and claymore, he convinced those less swayed, leading the forces of both MARS and COBRA against those who did not stand for the truth. Within 3 short years, all but a few misguided souls followed him.
And so, after centuries of dishonour, the McCullen and Destro names were restored to their former and rightful glory, and the monarchy of Scotland was replaced into the rightful hands - those of James McCullen Destro XXIV - King James IX of Scotland.
I wanted this fig to have a helmet that was removable, so I took a standard helmet and built a neck from aluminum foil: thus the helmet is fully removable and replaceable with the unmasked head. I also wanted this fig to be big - so I decided to start with a Copperhead torso. The helmet did not work on that body, so I dremeled down the Trapezius until it did.
I knew I wanted him to have bare legs so I did some digging and found that Serpentor's were very close - dremeled them down to bare.
His shinguards were quite difficult - they were also dremeled to match a little better.
There's more but I'm running out of time!
I want to add that this fig is fully posable!