Codename: Maximus
Real Name: Max White
Occupation: Hero
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth/Hatching/Spontaneous Generation/Incorporealization/Assembly: A galaxy far, far away
Known Relatives: Adopted father, Jack White
Group Affilitation: None
Education: Unknown
First Appearance: 1920
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 250
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Abilities: Super strength, Super speed, Super intelligent, Invulnerable to most man made weapons.
Equipment: None
Near the turn of the century, in the golden age of exploration, and young explorer named Jack White was hired by a brilliant millionaire, Vincent Zeus, to accompany him on safari's and journey's across the world, seeking to visit unexplored areas of the Earth, and collect artifacts and treasures for Zeus and his collection. They became somewhat close, however, Jack never could quite shake the gut feeling Zeus was not a good person on the inside. Never the less, Jack and Vince became quite the team, uncovering long lost tombs in Egypt, camping with Silverback gorilla's in the Congo, discovering biblical artifacts in the Middle East. Mr. Zeus had quite a collection, and had no qualms about removing anything he thought we look good in his collection, or fetch him some coin down the road. While Jack had some reservations, he was paid very well, and that money helped him support his family, whom had always been dirt poor.
The duo set on in the early 20's on their most fantastic trip yet. They planned to live with different tribes in the South American jungles for a couple of months, and to hop from one tribe to another. Jack's goal was to learn about these unique, forgotten cultures and peoples, while Zeus secretly wanted to discover the hidden treasures, most notably the lost "city of gold", El Dorado.
They spent two years there, going from tribe to tribe, collecting, learning, and studying.
Zeus would be taking notes, studying, drawing maps so he could later return to each location and leave with whatever treasures or artifacts he wished. Jack on the other hand was learning from his adopted tribes, and adapting to the harsh life of the jungles.
Then one day, Zeus had an accident, slipping off some rock, and crashing some twenty feet below, and had to be sent back to the United States. He entrusts Jack to continue on with his blessing, and funding. Jack obliges, and begins to reluctantly take notes for Zeus.
In 1904, Jack happens upon a tribe that worships the images of what look to be a baby boy, strange flying machines, and other undecipherable images, all carved into various stones around the tribe's habitat. They are familiar, as Jack has seen them in various carvings around the world, from ancient Egypt to Asia, and centuries old caves in the American southwest. The difference here was, all those civilizations were extinct, and this tribe was not.
For some reason they treat Jack's appearances like that of a God. Jack is treated like a king, yet he spends 6 months not knowing why. He later discovers that the baby boy image is in fact real. He discovers that the boy is located in what at first glance, looks to be an old temple sticking out from under a mountain. Upon closer inspection, Jack discovers that the temple is made of some kind of metal, and is nothing like he has ever seen before. He concludes that it cannot be from this Earth, wherever it is appears to have crashed and laid dormant for thousands of years. The tribal elder shows him the baby boy, whom like Jack, has white skin. He indicates to Jack that Jack is the boy's father, and the tribe would be honored if Jack reclaimed his "son". The boy is in a state of hibernation in a glass tube filled with glowing water. The tribe discovered it ages ago, and worshiped the boy inside. The tribe believed he was a god, and that Jack, the white man whom appeared from the jungle, was there to reclaim his son. The tribe held a huge feast and festival and turned the boy over to Jack.
Jack returned to the United States, where he tries to keep the boy a secret from Zeus. He stops working for Zeus, and turns his other findings over to him, and parts ways, eager to raise his new son. Zeus knows that something is amiss, yet keeps quiet.
Jack goes on to raise the boy as his own, discovering that the boy is indeed not of Earth. The boy had super strength, near invulnerability, intelligence and most amazingly, the ability to fly. By the age of 10, the boy, named Maximus by his adopted father, had mastered all languages both written and spoken, and could solve the worlds largest math equations in his head. He seemed to have inklings of other abilities, but did not fully understand them or how they worked. Jack raised the boy right, and taught him to use the powers he had for good.
Maximus donned a costume to keep his identity a secret and protect his loving father Jack, and set out to do the world justice, as one of the first recorded super beings around 1920.
One day in 1936, Max returned home to find Jack murdered, lying in a pool of his own blood. All information on Max was stolen. Distraught, he turned to Zeus, whom he had met periodically throughout the years. He knew his father did not trust Zeus, but that they did go way back and perhaps Zeus might be able to help him.
Over the years, Zeus had built a financial empire, helping to develop new technologies and weapons for war. Zeus also had discovered where Jack had found a son, figured out that Max was special, and secretly wanted that power for himself. Zeus had been the one to murder Jack and steal the information. Gathered from the notes Jack had taken in South America, Zeus had begun harvesting technology from the crash site, wiping out the tribe as he went along. It turns out that Zeus had found what could end up being the ultimate weapon, Maximus himself. Zeus had the information he needed about Maximus to forge ahead with his new financial and military backers, The Nazi party.
Naturally, Zeus needed Max out of the way, and so did the Nazi's. Zeus explained to Maximus that he had discovered information at the crash site that pinpointed the location of his home world. Zeus convinced Max that by returning to his home planet, he would find the answers he was looking for about himself, and it would help the human race out. Max left for space, and was gone for many years, missing out on the Second World War.
Zeus in the meantime took the information on Maximus and sold it to the Nazi's.
The Nazi's were conducting testes into a fledgling super soldier program, and Max's DNA just might be the break they had been looking for.
Max found nothing in space. He went to the location his home planet should be, but there was nothing but ruins there. Te planet was destroyed, and his people had long been gone. By the looks of it, they did not all perish, but evacuated, perhaps to another world. He finds no answers, and begins to journey back to Earth. Maximus, upset, traces step by step the happenings of the past, and concludes that Zeus lied to him.
Max feels foolish, and realizes that is was Jack's good parental skills and trusting nature that he was taught that caused him to overlook the fact that Zeus was evil, and Zeus was the reason Jack was dead. He returns to Earth around 1962.
Upon returning, and deciding to confront Zeus with what he had done, Maximus sets out to bring Zeus to justice. Zeus however, told Maximus that he was a threat to the people of Earth, and needed to leave. He told him that the reason his planet must not exist is because his own people were warlike monsters and destroyed themselves. The whole point in having Max leave was hoping he would not come back. The people did not need him; there were new heroes, human heroes. He showed him the hysteria of flying saucers and aliens that people had, and threatened to expose Maximus as an alien, and turn the world against him. Zeus then unleashed his own personal team of super soldiers that he had created, and then took out Max. The combined effort was too much for Maximus to take, and he was defeated.
After WW2, Zeus had taken the super soldier project and begun working on it for him. Zeus developed it as a weapon and shopped it around in its basic form to many other countries during the 1950's. His largest client was the United States government, and with their help, Zeus imprisoned Maximus in the Nevada desert, sending him into another state of hibernation, using tech harvested from the crash site. Secret factions in the United States government had been busy harvesting technology from the ship that brought Maximus to Earth, and had a new installation to study that technology and keep Maximus imprisoned. That location was known as Area 51.
Present day:
Location: Crash Site Max, South American jungles
Digging further into the wreckage, teams of Zeus Inc. explorers discover a new section previously unreached by other recovery parties. In the excitement and processing of the new data, one of them falls into a panel that suddenly lights up.
The lights were part of a signal, and the signal was shot off into deep space. It also made it's way around the Earth.
In Area 51, a routine check up of the alien known as Maximus is underway. Scientists are evaluating his current condition in his hibernated state. Max's body has not moved in over 30 years, his gaze fixed straight ahead for over a quarter of the century.
One scientist leans in close, noticing something is different. Maximus is looking right at him.
Maximus is no longer hibernating.
With both Heroes I created, I wanted to capture everything I love about comic books, movies and sci fi and make one, gigantic story. The story follows a "bible" me and my friend Jay went by when we were kids and created our own comic books and adventures with toys, which we called "Galaxies". I know, how original, right? In Galaxies, we took toys from various lines and made our own story that took place in the future. The battles involved GI Joe figures, Transformers, GoBots, Monsters from various toy lines, and many other 80's properties, all in one sweeping story. There were so many characters and drawings that I created to chose from that I have saved and stockpiled over years, it was a hard choice to make. I eventually went with the one of the bigger stories from our "bible", that of Maximus, and another that is intertwined with it, in the future, and that is of Knightfall. I had pieced together a whole team the first week, but I didn't have time and realized it right away, and stuck with these two.
For Maximus, I combined bits of Superman, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Independence Day, Transformers and comic stories from over the years. If you are a true geek, you will be able to pick apart the story and figure out the inspiration behind numerous bits and pieces.