
Mopster is an Italian immigrant who claims to have bonds with the Italian mob. He joined Cobra to start a career in the infamous terrorist organisation and wanted to work his way up among the ranks. Since he's not the smartest kind of guy, Mopster is only a janitor at Cobra HQ. Mopster annoys the troops with his bad jokes and braggings about his mafia career back in Italy, but the Vipers in their turn make fun of him all the time because of that and because of his Italian accent. Tired of his requests to enter the Viper ranks, one of the Cobra Officers convinced him to stick with his job and gave him a "secret assignment": their ought to be a traitor among the troops and Mopster was the perfect guy to keep an eye out for that so called traitor doing his daily cleaning thing. He now takes his job more seriously than ever.

Inspiration for this custom came when I watched "Scrubs" and saw that hilarious janitor make his appearance. I could see someone like that work for Cobra too.

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