Night Viper
Night Viper
Night Viper

The Night Viper has always been a dangerous opponent on the battlefield. Now that Cobra's started to Pythonize them for their Python Patrol they are even more deadly. They are harder to find then ever before as the Pythonizing process of their uniforms makes it harder to pick up their body heat. The pattern on the uniform makes them harder to spot using night vision goggles. The Python Night Vipers are a meaner nastier bunch of Cobras then ever. They creep along to a target area and wait in ambush. They strike hard, fast and deadly but the Joes are ready to battle back and de-fang the Python Patrol.

I had originally had this figure done up in the original Python Patrol colors, but never liked it. I had been meaning to do him in the newer colors and the GP gave me the excuse to try it. I really liked the way he came out. It was a pain doing the stripes but I like the way they came out.

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