Big Baller
Big Baller
Big Baller
Big Baller

Big Baller

After hearing many tales of G.I. Joe's legendary Big Brawler, Dr. Mindbender set out to create the ultimate clone. Obtaining and containing Big Brawler's DNA sample was no easy task, but Tomax and Xamot were able to pull it off. Somewhere during the cerebral downloading phase Dr. Mindbender's computer system opened his iPhone files instead of the intended vehicle operations manuals. Before Mindbender noticed this glitch the Dr's selection of Village People songs, episodes of Queer Eye for Straight Guy, Martha Stewart, and Christopher Lowell, as well as, the tv movie "Brian's Song" were all inadvertently downloaded into the clones brain. Dr. Mindbender ordered his Medi-Vipers to dispose of the useless monstrosity until it fought back taking out all of them...with flare. Dr. Mindbender realized Cobra finally had an answer to Big Brawler and it was a good thing because the clone is too dangerous to be anything else.

When not destroying everything in his path Big Baller, as he likes to be called, enjoys watching football, re-decorating Terrordromes to be more inviting and fung shui, and taking long walks on the beach.

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