In the very first GI Joe cartoon episode we are introduced to Cobra and their attempt to take over the world using the Mass Device. The Mass Device can send or retrieve almost anything to and from any location on the planet by bouncing an energy signal off the Relay Star satellite to a homing beacon. It is fueled by three rare catalytic elements, radioactive crystals from the Arctic Circle on a glacier dubbed the Sea of Ice, heavy water from the depths of the Marina trench in the Pacific Ocean, and the finely crushed metallic ore of a meteorite in a South American volcano in the Ring of Fire.
With the help of Dr. Vandameer, the American scientist responsible for creating the Mass Device, the Joes build their own Mass Device and the race around the world to gain control of the fuel elements begins. Ultimately the Joes are able to defeat Cobra, destroy their Mass Device, and return the items and people stolen Cobra in their attempt to hold the world hostage.
I had something else in mind for this project. Everything changed when I was taking a bath and trying to think of what the hot water knob could be customized into. It me like a bolt of lightening. At the top of every GI Joe fans list of items they would want Hasbro to make is the Mass Device. I'm really happy with how it turned out and surprised how simple it was to put together. So surprised, it makes me wonder why Hasbro never attempted it before.