Born on the Earth colony of KL-2, Samus Aran was the daughter of two workers in the Afloraltite mining operation the colony was based around. One day, when only three years old, she was out playing and a strange ship landed at the spaceport. Running to see the strange hooded figures, she bumped into one, revealing him to be a Choujin-Zoku - a race of bird like creatures commonly known as the Chozo. Befriending the one known as 'Grandpa Bird', he helped her learn she would get more from kindness than anger in getting a local furry creature out of a tree. The Chozo soon left after failing to acquire the Afloraltite they needed for unknown reasons.
The race of interstellar nomads known simply as Space Pirates were also after the Afloraltite, and attacked the colony. Led by the monstorous dragon creature Ridley, the pirates made short work of the colonist's defences. Samus was playing with her new pet when the attack came, and running home she encountered Ridley for the first time. He was watching the battle from up on a hill, having reports fed to him through his minions. Overhearing his name, and even though she was scared and confused, Samus tried to make friends with the creature, thinking that like her he was lost. Though he felt a brief moment of pity, Ridley tried to kill her, but Samus' mother arrived in time, pushing her out of the way of the flame blast at the cost of her own life. Ridley would have then killed Samus except that at that moment Samus' father had snuck aboard Ridley's ship, and detonated the Afloraltite loaded aboard, destroying most of the pirates in a fiery explosion.
The Chozo returned, but not fast enough, and found Samus the lone survivor. Taking her back to their planet of Zebes, they altered her DNA to be more like theirs, allowing her to not only survive the more hostile environment of Zebes, but to become a great warrior, to stop Ridley and his pirates and protect the galaxy from evil. Leaving Zebes, she joined the Galactic Federation's army, training with them until her commanding officer was killed. Leaving the Federation's ranks she then became a bounty hunter, and on her most famous mission returned to Zebes. The pirates had set up base there, the Chozo vanished, and were breeding creatures known as Metroids. These jellyfish like creatures could suck the pure life energy out of any living thing. If the pirates harnessed this power, or tamed the Metroids, they would be nigh on unstoppable.
Samus descended into the ruins of her former hobattlingling the pirates, and eventually coming face to face with their leader - Ridley. After a hard fought battle, Samus triumphed, her most hated enemy dead at her feet. Continuing into the depths of Zebes known as Tourian, encounterednted the Metroids, destroying them all until she came face to face with the mastermind - Mother Brain. Mother Brain was built by the Chozo as their guide, but she had rebelled and had to be shut down - most likely when the Chozo wanted to destroy their own most amazing creations - the Metroids themselves. Doing battle with Mother Brain's defences, Samus killed her, escaping to her ship before the pirate base self destructed.
Several orbiting pirate ships fled soon after, and Samus tracked them down. On one she found Ridley revived and rebuilt as Meta Ridley. Not yet complete he fled, escaping the ship, fleeing to the planet below. Samus followed, finding him in league with a group of humans known as Cobra. Allying with another human group, GI Joe, she agreed to help destroy Cobra, if they helped her kill Ridley once and for all.
Samus was quite easy to conceptualize - as soon as I saw those Microman parts, the recepie just assembled itself. I originally wanted to have a removable helmet, but to keep her armoured look proportional I just went with the sculpted over the Jinx head. I went with the more traditional Super Metroid flat colours than the more recent metallic scheme. I also wanted playability so I swapped out the joints for already black ones so I didn't have to worry about paint chipping. The fact that the shoulder pads can detach to become the morph ball is an added bonus. I used an of effects which don't really show up in the photos - filling the plugs with white glue after painting, and since it dries clear it gives a reflective 'light tube' effect. Overall I'm very pleased with how she turned out.