Sci-Fi (Future Noir)
Sci-Fi (Future Noir)
Sci-Fi (Future Noir)
Sci-Fi (Future Noir)
Sci-Fi (Future Noir)
Sci-Fi (Future Noir)

This custom is largely based on the Future Noir comic Sci-Fi.

I thought it was cool that the character could change bottom halves, but when other designs didn't turn out good for my tastes, I ended up just using the tank thread bottom half.

Basically, as per the filecard, this is the original Sci-Fi, growing older, getting white hair, and losing his legs on some undisclosed battle. He uses his determination and skills to build himself cyborg parts to use with his continuing battle with Cobra.

After seeing Sci-Fi in the Future Noir comic, I instantly knew I wanted to do a figure after the design, it just happened that JoeCustoms was having the Next Gen GP at the time, so I thought since Future Noir used futuristic versions of the Joes, that Sci-Fi would work for this figure.

I originally wanted to get me a Gundam Guntank model to use for tank threads, but sometimes you never find something when you need them. So I ended up taking apart a Wall-E toy to use with this figure.

Not wanting to waste spare upper legs, I got four upper leg parts that didn't have its' other halves, to use for this custom, so as not to waster any parts.

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