Edward Wallace was a Sergeant in Destro's elite Iron Grenadiers during the revolution. He was caught in an explosion at the siege of Edinburgh. After they removed the shrapnel, they discovered he thought himself to be a highlander protecting the land from English tyranny. He was about to be imprisoned for not fitting into the rank and file to which he was assigned, but Lord Destro saw in him a loyal subject who would give his life for King and Country. He was transferred from the Iron Grenadier regimental army and placed under a new unconventional warfare unit of the IG's where his antics would be better suited at wreaking havoc on any enemies.
Excerpt from King Destro's Royal Pardon:
Senile as he might be, it wouldn't be in his or Scotland's best interests to detain someone so passionate and dedicated to the protection of this great land. If his will and body dictate that he rise and fight, then who am I to alter his destiny. I will merely aide in the sharpening of his instinctive skills so he may carry out what he was born to do.
I couldn't stop thinking of Braveheart.